Therapeutic Riding

Therapeutic Riding lessons help individuals with disabilities improve their physical, emotional and social well-being through mounted and unmounted equine activities. 

The goal of Therapeutic Riding is to help each client reach their highest level of independence. Through a variety of special activities, clients benefit on several levels — including emotional and physical health, increased knowledge and understanding of horses and horsemanship skills, and the lasting effects of those rewarding experiences. 

Classes are taught by PATH-certified instructors who are assisted by specially trained volunteers. They teach clients of varying ages and challenges horseback riding skills through activities which accommodate their physical, mental and social needs.

Riding a horse moves the rider’s body in a manner like a human gait, allowing clients with physical needs to show improvement in flexibility, balance and muscle strength. The physical act of riding also improves posture, trunk control, motor function and coordination. Instructors then integrate exercises that provide a wide variety of sensory benefits. These activities also help increase attention, communication skills, spatial awareness and socialization.

Lessons run from 45-60 minutes once a week. They may be private, semi-private (2 riders) or group (4 riders) for clients age 2 and up.

For the online registrations, returning usernames are their primary email address with .wecanride at the end. 

The first step to becoming a client is creating an online account, completing all required paperwork and uploading a video of the client. Once that is complete, we will get a zoom screening scheduled. The screening is about 30 minutes where we’ll go over goals, diagnoses, We Can Ride information and the schedule if everything looks good! Screenings are done during weekdays and availability varies by week. The cost of the screening is $88.00 and will be billed from [email protected]. This will need to be paid before the screening occurs unless paying through a 3rd party. Please see the “payment policy” for the varying prices. We are unable to give a specific cost per client until the screening is complete.

Specialty forms for down syndrome, scoliosis and seizure disorders are necessary and can be found on the forms tab once you create an account. The medical history and other client information can also be downloaded there

Inquire about Therapeutic Riding

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