Trick or Trot - Halloween with the ponies!
Join us on Saturday, October 21st from 2-5 pm for our first Halloween Party! A family ticket for $35 gets you access to all activities. Food is available from a local truck on site.
For a $50 donation you and friends can dress a pony up in their very own costume, and decorate the stall to match!
One family ticket includes hay rides, bobbing for apples, trick or treating down the barn aisle, face painting, a hobby horse obstacle course, horse costume contest, horse fear factor, and more!
For a $50 donation, existing volunteers can pick their favorite therapy horse to dress in a costume of their choosing. Attendees will vote on their favorite costume and accompanying stall decor. The winning team will get a custom party with the ponies at We Can Ride (pizza party, picnic with the ponies, painting with the ponies)!
4301 County rd 24,
medina, mn 55359
Parking is limited so please carpool when possible.
Volunteer to help
We need helpers to make the event a success! Sign up today to clean, decorate, welcome guests, share information about We Can Ride and more!
A Special Thanks to Our Sponsor